The Intel® Solid-State Drive 320 Series (Intel® SSD 320 Series) is the third-generation of SATA Revision 2 solid-state drives from Intel, replacing and building upon the highly successful Intel® X25-M Mainstream SATA Solid-State Drive. The new Intel SSD 320 Series features industry-leading 25-nanometer (nm) Intel® NAND Flash Memory....详细
上海市教育系统评估管理可视化系统以北京超图地理信息技术有限公司的全组件式GIS 开发平台SuperMap Objects 为基础。系统具有良好的开放性和安全性,主要提供了电子地图、信息查询、信息浏览、专题地图制作以及教育资源的优化配置等功能。...详细