Based on 34nm Intel NAND Flash Memory, the Intel® Solid-State Drive 310 Series offers similar performance to a 2.5” Intel Solid-State Drive (SSD), but in an eighth of the size.The compact mSATA footprint enables dual-drive storage for traditional embedded platforms, as well as a single drive option for innovative, low-power handheld devices....详细
最终客户需要满足其业务需求的高性能的产品和“端到端”的IT解决方案。而且,随着需求不断提高,客户越来越多地希望在采购前、部署中和采购后得SI(系统集成商)和IT厂商在技术、服务等方面更加全面的支持。因此,在与戴尔的合作过程中,天津南西科技希望获得戴尔在技术、服务等方面的有力支持,同时希望戴尔能够为其提供高质量的培训,增强企业自身销售、IT技术的综合实 力。...详细